Publication Fee

Article Processing Charges include the costs associated with editorial fee, manuscript handling charges, copy editing, conversion of your manuscript into various formats (PDF & HTML), online publication and permanently archiving it on the journal website.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

The standard Article Processing Charge (APC) is USD 1650. However, based on certain parameters like article type or corresponding author's country we offer special discounts by default.

Payment Guidelines

Once the manuscript review is completed from the editorial department, an authorization email is sent to the author intimating the acceptance of the material for publication along with the payment details and mode. We expect advance payment in a week in due of acceptance. For any delays, the author can contact the editor in advance via an email, requesting for the grace period.

After payment, the author is requested to share the payment screenshot or scanned copy duly signed via an email along with the listed information.

  • Author’s name
  • Payment transaction ID / Transaction details
  • Payment date
  • Amount paid
These details are essential to mark the author’s presence and to proceed for further process.

Special Discounts

Editorial office may offer special discounts to the authors of low-income or developing countries. However, this decision is purely at the discretion of the editorial office.

Wavier on APC

On special occasions we may offer waiver on the Article Processing Charge (APC). Authors are requested to communicate with editorial office at the time article submission. Waiver requests are purely considered at the discretion of the editorial office.

Charges for Rejected Articles

No charges are applicable for the articles rejected by the editorial office.

Article Withdrawal Charges

No charges are applicable if authors withdraw their manuscript within 48 hours of the initial submission. Once article is accepted for publication, withdrawal charges may be applicable depending on the current stage of the article. The editorial office has authority to make decisions at its own discretion in this regard.

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16192 Coastal Highway,
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